Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

Sergeant William Henry Kibby
2/48th Battalion
15 April 1903 at Winlaton, Durham, England. He migrated to Australia in 1914 and settled at Glenelg, South Australia.
Date of action
23-31 October 1942
Battle of El Alamein, Egypt
During an attack at Miteiriya Ridge, on the 23rd, Kibby’s platoon commander was killed. No sooner had Kibby assumed command than his platoon was ordered to attack an enemy machine-gun post. He got up, called his platoon forward, and charged the post firing his 'Tommy' gun. His platoon did not hear his command because of the battle noise, so Kibby single-handedly silenced the post, killing three of the enemy and capturing twelve others. His company then continued the advance.
After the capture of Trig 29 on 26 October intense enemy bombardments and tank and infantry counter-attacks were directed against the Australians. Throughout this period Kibby moved from section to section directing the fire of his men. Several times, under intense machine-gun fire, he went out and mended the platoon line communications which enabled mortar concentrations to be directed effectively against the attack on his company’s front.
Kibby distinguished himself again on the night of 30-31 October. Kibby’s platoon had to move through withering machine-gun fire to reach its objective. Kibby went out alone to knock out the last enemy post which hindered the 2/48th’s advance.
Although he destroyed the enemy post with grenades, he was himself hit by a burst of machine-gun fire and killed.
31 October 1942
Buried or Commemorated
El Alamein War Cemetery, Egypt
Current location of the VC
Australian War Memorial