Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

Sergeant John Woods Whittle
12th Battalion
3 August 1883 at Huon Island, Tasmania
Date of action
8 and 15 April 1917
Boursies and Lagnicourt, France
After a successful bombing assault on a ruined mill, Whittle was placed in command of a post just beyond it. Around 10pm the Germans counter-attacked and succeeded in entering the small trench Whittle was holding. Whittle quickly reorganised his men, charged the enemy and restabilised the position. Captain Newland (also a VC winner) then arrived and the two worked together until the line was re-established. Newland, under attack from three directions, withdrew his men to a sunken road and lined them out in defence along both banks. Just as this move was completed, Whittle, who had seen some Germans moving a machine gun into a position which offered a commanding arc of fire, jumped to his feet and charged the enemy gun crew. He killed the whole crew and then carried the machine gun back to the Australian positions. Newland then consolidated the position and when reinforcements from the 9th Battalion arrived a counter-attack was executed and all positions were regained.
2 March 1946
Buried or Commemorated
Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney
Current location of the VC
Privately held