Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

Private James Heather Gordon
2/31st Battalion
7 March 1909 at Rockingham, Western Australia
Date of action
10 July 1941
Near Jezzine (Djezzine), Lebanon
About 2.30am, on 10 July, on the right of an attack, the company was held up by intense machine-gun fire. Movement, even by single individuals, became very difficult. One officer and two men were killed and others were wounded. The enemy machine-gun position was reinforced and had complete coverage of the area. Gordon, on his own initiative, then crawled out from his position towards the gun. A continuous stream of bullets passed over him and as he got closer the enemy threw grenades which burst above his head. This did not stop Gordon, who leapt to his feet and charged the post. He killed four machine gunners with his bayonet and his action demoralised other defenders in the area. The main attack then proceeded and the company took the position. They were then ordered to withdraw from the new positions at 5am. After all the enemy arms and equipment had been destroyed, the company fought its way back to the battalion. Gordon further distinguished himself in these subsequent actions.
24 July 1986
Buried or Commemorated
Plaque at Karrakatta Crematorium, Perth
Current location of the VC
Australian War Memorial