Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

Private (Edward) John (Frances) Ryan
55th Battalion
February 1890 at Tumut, New South Wales
Date of action
30 September 1918
Near Bellicourt, France
In the initial assault Ryan was one of the first to reach the enemy’s defences and his actions inspired others to overcome the garrison. When the Germans launched a strong and determined counter attack Ryan organised and led a party of men in a bomb and bayonet charge against a party of enemy bombers who had infiltrated the rear of the position. Ryan’s small party succeeded in killing the first three Germans encountered and then Ryan rushed the remainder with bombs and drove them back across No Man’s Land. His action enabled the attack to be broken and the trench was retaken. In this action Ryan was wounded in the shoulder.
3 June 1941
Buried or Commemorated
Springvale Cemetery, Melbourne
Current location of the VC
Australian War Memorial