Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

Lieutenant Leslie Cecil Maygar
5th Victorian Mounted Rifles
26 May 1872 at Dean Station, Kilmore, Victoria
Date of action
23 November 1901
Geelhoutboom, Natal
During an intense action Maygar galloped out to a detached post which was being outflanked, and ordered the men to retire. The horse of Saddler A. Short was shot from under him and Maygar dismounted and lifted Short on to his own horse. The horse bolted into boggy ground and both men had to dismount. Maygar, realising that the horse could carry only one person, ordered Short to gallop for cover. Maygar followed on foot, evading the heavy rifle fire around him.
1 November 1917 of wounds at Beersheba, during the last great cavalry charge in history.
Buried or Commemorated
Beersheba War Cemetery, Palestine (Israel)
Current location of the VC
Australian War Memorial