Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

Lieutenant George Mawby (Morby) Ingram
24th Battalion
18 March 1889 at Bendigo, Victoria
Date of action
5 October 1918
Montbrehain, near Peronne, France
Early on the 5th, at about 6am, the advance began and it was not long before strong points and machine gun nests were encountered. B Company, of which Ingram was a member, had a difficult advance hampered by snipers and machine-gun fire. Ingram led his platoon against one strong point and the platoon succeeded, after a fierce fight, in capturing nine machine guns and killing forty-two enemy. When his company commander was wounded Ingram organised and led a charge against an old quarry which was defended by forty machine guns and over a hundred men. He alone rushed the first post and shot six enemy and captured a machine gun. On two subsequent occasions he displayed great dash and resourcefulness in capturing enemy posts, inflicting many casualties and taking sixty-two prisoners. On the last assault he captured overt thirty Germans in a cellar after shooting the gunner who had been firing through the cellar ventilator.
1 July 1961
Buried or Commemorated
Methodist section of Frankston Cemetery, Victoria
Current location of the VC
Privately held