Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

Corporal Arthur Charles Hall
54th Battalion
11 August 1896 at Granville, Sydney
Date of action
1-2 September 1918
Peronne, France
During an attack on 1 September, Hall single-handedly rushed a machine-gun post which was checking the advance, killing four of the occupants and capturing fifteen others and two machine guns. He then crossed the objective with a small party and covered the advance of the rest of his company. Advancing ahead of the main party, he located, assaulted and captured many small parties of men and machine guns. At one stage he was able to report that the recently destroyed bridge over the Peronne moat was unguarded and his unit was able to cross nearby on planks and debris. Next day the 54th continued to clear Peronne of enemy. During a heavy barrage Hall carried a wounded comrade, who was urgently in need of medical attention, to safety.
25 February 1978
Buried or Commemorated
St Matthew’s Anglican Church, West Bogan, New South Wales
Current location of the VC
Australian War Memorial