Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

Captain James Ernest Newland
12th Battalion
22 August 1881 at Highton, Geelong
Date of action
7-9 and 15 April 1917
Boursies and Lagnicourt, France
In the initial advance on Boursies, which began at 3am, Newland’s company was confronted by heavy fire and many casualties were sustained. Newland then successfully led a bombing attack on a ruined mill located about 400 metres short of the village. The attack dislodged the enemy and enabled the company to move on the objective. The Australians then came under heavy shell fire during the day and at 10pm the Germans launched a violent counter-attack. By his personal exertion, disregard of fire and judicious use of reserves, he succeeded in dispersing the counter-attack and holding the position. The Germans broke through the company to the right of A Company, which was being led by Newland, and forced them back. Newland consolidated his men on the very position which Captain Cherry (also a VC winner) had held during the taking of Lagnicourt three weeks earlier. By personal example he encouraged his men to repel the combined attack and although the enemy renewed the attack three or four times Newland’s company held out. The 9th Battalion came to reinforce the 12th and the two units combined to counter attack. The line was restored about 11am.
19 March 1949
Buried or Commemorated
East Brighton General Cemetery, Melbourne
Current location of the VC
Australian War Memorial