Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

Captain Alfred John Shout
1st Battalion
8 August 1882 in New Zealand
Date of action
9 August 1915
Lone Pine trenches, Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey
During the attack at Lone Pine a large portion of Sasse’s sap was found to be occupied by the enemy. Captains Shout and Sasse decided to clear it. They gathered together three men carrying sandbags with which to construct barricades and then both officers charged down the trench, Shout bombing and Sasse shooting. They advanced in short ‘hops’, building a barricade at each stop. In the morning in one section of trench Shout killed eight enemy and routed the remainder. In the afternoon, gathering another party of eight and again accompanied by Sasse, he captured a further section of trench in similar fashion. They had just determined a suitable position for the final barricade when Shout lit three bombs for the final dash. The third bomb burst in his hand, blowing it completely away and shattering one side of his face and body. He was evacuated immediately but died of wounds and was buried at sea.
August (?) 1915
Buried or Commemorated
Lone Pine Memorial tot he Missing, Gallipoli
Current location of the VC
Australian War Memorial