Australian Victoria Cross Recipient

2nd Lieutenant Frederick Birks
6th Battalion
16 August 1894 at Buckley, Wales. He migrated to Australia in 1913.
Date of action
20 September 1917
Glencorse Wood, near Ieper, Belgium
Birks’ battalion was advancing on Glencorse Wood when he and a corporal rushed a pillbox which was delaying the advance. The corporal was wounded. Birks went on alone, killed the enemy occupying the position and captured a machine gun. Soon after, he organised a small party to capture another strongpoint, occupied by about twenty-five of the enemy, and succeeded in inflicting nine casualties and capturing sixteen men. In the consolidation which followed, Birks reorganised groups from other units which were in disarray. The following day Birks (and four others) were killed during an artillery bombardment while he was attempting to rescue some of his men who had been buried by a shell explosion.
21 September 1917
Buried or Commemorated
21 September 1917
Current location of the VC
Australian War Memorial